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How We Will Monitor and Measure Our Impacts

Our initial impact outreach will focus on the areas around Pissa. Impact categories under study now include: food security, financial inclusion, water and energy.

HORUS Impact’s operational activities will have direct macroeconomic impacts on Pissa and its region. The improvements of local production quality and volumes will be designed to assure adequate food for the local population, while contributing to the evolution of a robust agro-industrial sector that will be based on sustainable mechanization and food processing.

To ensure transparency, accountability and substantive data that can be used for benchmarking our outcomes, the HORUS Impact team is now underway collecting baseline data. This field survey will continue until September 2021.

Our team is using IRIS+ indicators combined with on the ground field observations.

IRIS+ is a globally recognized impact evaluation methodology designed to make it easier for investors to translate impact intentions into impact results, evaluating social and environmental factors alongside risk and return. IRIS+ is managed by the Global Impact Investing Network – the global champion of impact investing. Learn more about IRIS+.

The results of our baseline study will provide us with valuable information for determining areas of most need and where the highest opportunities for impact are for achieving our sustainable, environmental and community development goals.


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