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Establishment of a Pissa Micro Investment Fund

Access to agricultural financing is a need that remains largely unmet, even though it can have wide reaching impacts in achieving key development goals, including poverty reduction and sustainable development, improving productivity and increasing income for farmers.

Households with access to loans are less likely to be casual labour and will instead be able to invest in their own initiatives and increase in daily earnings, which leads to significant improvements in both productivity and economic well-being.

By having opportunities to work more closely with value chain actors and consumers and better understand their needs, micro finance can deeply empower bottom up solutions that are attuned to local needs.

Currently, within our region the only structures that offer access to financing for micro-projects are limited NGO programs.

HORUS Impact will establish a fund that will facilitate and promote initiatives for youth in the region. Our aim is to provide financing and technical support directly related to the activities of the organization.

By investing in our youth we see widespread and long term impacts for self-reliance, capacity building and establishment of a robust local circular economy that will bring benefits to many sectors of society in our area, while also improving HORUS Impacts outputs and value chain operations.

Indicators of project impacts will include:

How many client companies?

How many businesses were created?

How many loans were made?

What is the average loan size?


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